Microsoft Flight Simulator – World Update XIII: Oceania Preview and ATR Expert Series Release Date

Planned for next week, there will be two interesting add-ons coming from Microsoft and Asobo Studio in Flight Simulator. Both will be available next Tuesday April 25th.

World Update XIII is another free pack of airports and helipads, custom landmarks, photogrammetry cities, global scenery upgrade with enhanced terrain elevation and textures. This time it will cover Oceania ! We have copied below the latest preview screenshots of this

The second add-on will be a payware: the turboprop ATR 42-600 / 72-600. It will be released in the new Expert Series and has been developed to an advanced level with in-depth simulation of custom systems, realistic cockpit controls and very detailed pilot displays. This product comes from Asobo Studio and Hans Hartmann, already known in the flightsim community for its collaboration with Aerosoft, for example with the CRJ since several years (Digital Aviation).

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