X-Plane – Robinson R22 Helicopter Tutorial

A short tutorial about starting and flying the Robinson R22 Helicopter in X-Plane. A YouTube video from XPlaneOfficial. (And curious about more X-Plane software, see the full list @simMarket.)
“Learn more about flying helicopters in X-Plane 12 – the most realistic desktop flight simulator – and then try it yourself for free!”

With a remark from a real R22 heli pilot:

I fly the R22 in RL, so here are some notes what you did “wrong” or what we do different:

  • 2:48 : Normally you turn the Alternator on, after engaging the clutch
  • 4:50 : Don´t open the throttle, we leave it fully idle (at 5:45 when engaging the clutch we assist the engine a bit by opening the throttle slowly to stable at 55% until the clutch warning light goes off, then we go for 75% for warm up)
  • 6:40 : Normally you start the magneto test when all engine instruments are in the green
  • 6:55 : At this point when you´re done with the magneto test you want to check the Carb heat and look if the “CAT.TEMP” rise/drop and the RPM slightly drops. Thereafter you do the “Sprag clutch check” by turning the throttle quick to idle and see if the needles split and then again up to stay at 75% One of the last checks you would do just before takeoff is the warning horn test at 100% RPM, just pull a bit on the collective and slowly close your throttle. At about 97% RPM the horn should be sound up. For the shutdown you just go back to 75% until the “CYL.HD.TEMP.” doesnt move anymore, then close your throttle (go full idle) and disengage clutch, wait 30 sec and then just pull the mixture.

But over all you did a great job and a nice explanation. The notes I have are just for people who want to do it “As Real As It Gets”

So keep that in mind when watching this video:

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