
Leonardo SH – Fly The Maddog MSFS New Build 1.2b186

The latest build 1.2b186 of the Leonardo SH – Fly The Maddog MSFS brings a host of fixes and improvements to enhance the overall experience of flying this aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Among the fixes are crucial issues like addressing the problem with turnaround mode not functioning correctly in the previous version, resolving flickering of the holding drawing on the navigation display under specific conditions, and ensuring proper functioning of the navigation mode after departing certain Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs).

Additionally, the update includes improvements to frame rates when terrain mode is enabled on the navigation display, making the simulation smoother for users with varying hardware configurations.

Moreover, the update introduces new features and resources to aid users. It includes the addition of helpful documentation such as the ‘Hardware Configuration Tutorial.pdf’ and ‘List of Commands.pdf’, offering users guidance on setting up their hardware and understanding available commands. Furthermore, the inclusion of MobiFlight profiles for popular hardware peripherals like the Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo, as well as the miniCockpit miniFCU, enhances compatibility and ease of use for users utilizing these devices.

An additional customization option is also provided, allowing users to adjust the behavior of spoiler armament by modifying settings in the maddogx.ini file. Overall, this update reflects the developer’s commitment to refining the aircraft and providing a more immersive and user-friendly experience for virtual pilots in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Changelog v1.2b186

– fixed issue with turnaround mode not working properly on b183;
– fixed issue with holding drawing on ND ‘flickering’ when holding had no speed constraint or PERF data invalid (VNAV unavailable);
– fixed issue with ovhd right map lt panel disappearing when HFDS selected;
– fixed issue with NAV remaining in ARM mode after departing certain SIDs;
– fixed issue with fms not considering last climb speed constraint if after TOC;
– fixed issue with EGT not cooling during motoring.

– improved FPS when terrain mode ON on ND;
– added ‘Hardware Configuration Tutorial.pdf’ and ‘List of Commands.pdf’ to the documentation folder;
– added MobiFlight profiles for Honeycomb Alpha and Bravo and for miniCockpit miniFCU in Redist folder;
– added option to arm spoilers moving the assigned axis sligthly AFT. (To disable it, set ArmSpoilersFromAxis=0 in the maddogx.ini file).

Promo Trailer | Maddog Expansion MD-83/88 for MSFS
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