Category: Curiosities


A Study-Level Gulfstream 650/ER sim for P3D ?

At, there’s a petition willing to gather simmers’ support for a potential “study-Level Gulfstream 650/ER” for P3D4. The initiator also writes “they will contact


Winds Everywhere

From time to time one finds sites that are really neat! This is the case of the just launched and really interesting Czech Windyty site.


Aerosoft – Ice Bucket Challenge

As you know Ice Bucket Challenge thing, it’s coming up to Flight Simulator world. Aerosoft got nominated by Dovetail Games (Train Simulator). Just check out their


Hypothetical Hubs – Oriental Operations

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, in zoological terms, the term “oriental” refers to “relating to or denoting a zoogeographical region comprising Asia south of


Google Street View to visit airports

Google Street View is mainly used to provide pictures taken from a car driven along roads and in cities centers. This service aims also to


Hypothetical Hubs… dusty destinations?

So… We got a few responses to our last try at doing this, so let’s do it again, shall we? The idea is that you


Turboprop vs. Turbofan

Real world airlines tell us that on short routes turboprop aircraft are just as fast as jets. I’ve done the same analysis in FS to

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