
Category: events


FSLabs A320 3D cockpit preview

This is the latest cropped view of the A320X virtual cockpit that FSLabs is working at. If you have the chance to go to the


Mutley’s Hangar MEBAR 2012

Over the first two weeks of April, Mutley’s Hangar is holding an air rally around the UK, open to users of Microsoft’s FS9 and FSX,


VATSIM “Cross the Pond” 2012

For those who like longer flights with realistic (and human) ATC, VATSIM are holding a Westbound “Cross the Pond” event from Europe to North America


Aerosoft Announce 10th German FS Conference

Aerosoft’s 10th German Flight Simulator Conference will be held on 24th March 2012 at Flugwerft Oberschleißheim, near Munich, with part of the exhibition being held


Microsoft Flight Press Event

Earlier this week, simFlight were invited to a Flight event at Microsoft HQ in Redmond, USA, which was attended by Jorge Diogo from Although


IVAO Crowded Skies 8 on Dec. 18th

More than establishing a record of simultaneous virtual pilots connected to IVAO network, Crowded Skies event aims at a very large ATC coverage and numerous flights

80h non-stop ATC event

“Around the clock” is the name of the event organized by the Isreal division of VATSIM. It will start on Thursday 22.12.11 14:00z and will

Flight1 Open Day Presentation Videos

You may recall a short while ago that Flight1 Europe hosted their annual “Open Day” at Shoreham Airport on the South coast of England. Apart


FSWeekEnd in Netherlands Nov. 5-6 2011

As every year, the FSWeekEnd will be held again in the Aviodrome at Lelystad Airport in Netherlands. Book the November 5-6 2011, and visit their

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