IVAO Crowded Skies 8 on Dec. 18th

More than establishing a record of simultaneous virtual pilots connected to IVAO network, Crowded Skies event aims at a very large ATC coverage and numerous flights around you as pilot.

Aerosoft will sponsor and pay one euro for a noble cause as many as the maximum connections achieved during this Crowded Skies Event, held this weekend on Sunday December 18th.

“Dear sirs,

Crowded Skies – Fly and Support a noble Cause

IVAO presents its premier event “Crowded Skies 8” on December 18, 2011. This record breaking unique event sets the entire IVAO skies alive and active. During this event, you can expect traffic all around the world, live Air Traffic Control and more. The previous edition of Crowded Skies had a maximum of more than 2.300 simultaneous connections and over 9,600 flights during the entire event, which is a unique record. IVAO and Aerosoft have joined hands during this event for a noble cause. Aerosoft has agreed to contribute one Euro for every maximum simultaneous connections achieved during this Crowded Skies Event. For eg., if we have 2,500 simultaneous users Aerosoft will contribute Euro 2,500 to charity. All the contributions will be made to “Guder Orphanage Center”. This organisation supports the orphanage center in Guder – Ethiopia where 56 girls live and get the chance to attend a school.

Remember every flight you make during the peak hour (which is expected between 14 Z – 21 Z) will result in a 1 Euro donation by Aerosoft and you have a chance to make a difference in this world in your own small way.

Come and fly online on the IVAO network in the most realistic and “crowded” event and create a new record and also help for a noble cause. More information visit : http://www.ivao.aero/events/csviii/.”

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