
Category: REVIEWS


L-39 Albatros Review

Ian Pearson and Nick Churchill have taken a good look at the newly published L-39 Albatros trainer jet. by Lotus Simulations Although the aircraft is


Review: Aerosoft Online – Discus Glider X

Peter Hayes glided away in the Aerosoft Discus Glider X v1.00 and sums up his review with: “The Aerosoft Discus Gliders are excellent, great flight


Review: Aerosoft US Cities X — San Francisco

Rick Desjardins is a another young promising review staff writer at simFlight and for his first write up he looked at Aerosoft’s San Francisco scenery,


Review: VFR Short Airfields X Vol.1 Quebec

Douglas Zabizewski is a new review writer for simFlight and the object of his very first review is a scenery developer by an also new developer

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We are looking for product review writers and the deal is that you get to keep the product, we get to publish your review…  You need not

Hardware & Cockpit

MSI GeForce GTX275 Review

Hilbert Hagedoorn has tested yet another graphics card for us. He writes “…. Think of the most extreme GeForce GTX 275 you can think off.

Hardware & Cockpit

BFG GeForce GTX295 Reviewed

Hilbert Hagedoorn sent us one of his graphics cards reviews again. “….  BFG have worked their magic again and teamed up with the guys and

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