
Category: Update


LLH Creations – Installer for P3D v3

Specialists of the little airfields at high altitude of the Alps region, LLH Creations chose the solution of a wizard software to install their customers sceneries in

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Jetstream Designs – Palermo LICJ v1.1 update

httpv:// The latest scenery of Jetstream Designs in Italy, Palermo LICJ, goes to version 1.1. In this update, the included fixes change the ILS/DME Frequency, and


FS Passengers P3D Upgrade Now Available FS Passengers have released a P3D v2 and v3 compatible upgrade for all their Prepar3D customers. If you happen to own their previous FSX


FlyTampa EKCH & LatinVFR KMIA updates

On the one hand we have FlyTampa update for Copenhagen EKCH airport, adding P3D V3 compatibility with new features for FSX too : animated staff working


(Update) FSUIPC 4.948e Released

Peter Dowson has released v4.948e which brings a few things such as a new “traffic zapper acceptance angle parameter added”, for P3D2 and later, additional Camera


FS2Crew Q400 v1.6 supports PRO version

httpv:// For the top notch Majestic Software Q400, and now also for its PRO version bringing shared cockpit advanced simulation, FS2Crew is a must have to


FlightBeam updates KDEN v1.2

Before you fly again to Denver, FlightBeam Studios invite their customers to update Denver KDEN HD to the latest version 1.2. The Concourse C terminal

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Amsterdam Schipol in Airport Madness World Edition

Airport Madness World Edition users will be happy to receive another free airport : Amsterdam Schipol. The famous European hub in Netherlands has been included in the


Updates !

LatinVFR KMIA v3 is compatible with P3D v2/v3 and FSX. For this last one, a new patch may be necessary to fix the memory usage

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