
Category: Utilities

Accu-Feel v2: Air, Land and Sea released

A2A Simulations have released version 2 of their global aircraft enhancement, “Accu-Feel“. The module adds a lot of functionality to any aircraft, whether default, free

Add-on or Expansion Pack

CPS updated to version

The developers of Concorde Performance System (CPS) have announced the release of version of their planning and flight control tool. Recognising a gap in

Add-on or Expansion Pack

Final releases of 2012

With half the world in 2013 already and the rest not far behind, we have four final things to let you know about for this

Multi Crew Experience updated

FS++ Limited have updated Multi Crew Experience, with the latest addition to the fleet supported by the voice control software being the Quality Wings Boeing

Christmas announcement from A2A Simulations

It’s been Christmas day for a while in the Eastern Hemisphere, so here’s A2A‘s Christmas present to people as they reach midnight, in the form

FSFlyingSchool Pro 2013

The latest version of FSFlyingSchool for FS9 and X is now available. If you’ve never heard of this package, it monitors and grades your flights

Add-on or Expansion Pack

Super Traffic Board released for P3D

Flying W Simulation‘s AI traffic monitoring, tracking and control package Super Traffic Board was released yesterday for Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D. Among other features, STB allows you

Add-on or Expansion Pack

SuperTrafficBoard update released

Simon Jones of Flying W Simulation has announced the release of version 3.2 of the AI traffic tracking and status utility Super Traffic Board. “Flying-W

Add-on or Expansion Pack

OpusFSX Updated

The OpusFSX add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator FSX and Lockheed-Martin Prepar3D has been updated to version 2.60. “The latest release includes enhancements to the Live


AviaTrainX from PremierSim

PremierSim have issued a press release to announce the release of their AviaTrainX “Video Training Solution” for flight simulator pilots of the Airbus A320 aircraft.

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