OrbX Releases Coffs Harbour

Jay Kae of Orbx reports that “…… Orbx is pleased to announce the immediate availability of YSCH Coffs Harbour Airport, the first payware GA airport the company has released. Coff’s Harbour is a beautiful coastal city on the northern NSW coast, with a major regional airport nestled beside the beach, and the picturesque township, harbour and marina is surrounded by beautiful ranges and rural pastures….”.“….. The Orbx rendition of YSCH has been made using 22cm/pixel aerial photos taken in 2008 and licensed from Coffs Harbour City Council to produce a regional airport with superb ground clarity. Orbx also includes a 5m custom terrain mesh for the entire area. Additionally, lead developer John Ross has paid many visits to the airport to take photos of all the buildings, terminals and hangars within the airport precinct. The result is truly a stunning airport which is as real as being there! YSCH is designed to be seamlessly blended into Orbx’s AU GOLD region. More information here.….”.

0 Responses

  1. I have bought all the FTX products accept this one and the Melbourne airport. I had made some videos using the scenery, Au Blue, Au Gold and Au Green, posted them on Vimeo and posted a link on the Orbx forums. One day I got an email from John Venema (CEO) which said my videos had no quality. Due to this insult, I pulled all the videos which had FTX in them. Now he is mad because I pulled the videos and has barred me from the forums so I can’t get online support for the FTX products. I will not buy a product which I can not get support for.

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