More AI Planes Filling Your Skies

Flight One Software, in partnership with Mudpond Development, reports they have “….. released AirTrafficFX for Microsoft Flight Simulator X.  AirTrafficFX is a powerful, yet simple-to-use air traffic generator for FSX. AirTrafficFX allows the user to add parked aircraft, local air traffic, enroute air traffic, and FSX ATC IFR air traffic to your favorite airports…….”. “….. Formations can be added to local traffic, en route traffic, and even your own flight. AirTrafficFX operates in real-time, no airline schedule management is required, and any installed fixed-wing aircraft can be used for air traffic generation.

AirTrafficFX features a Real-time Radar Display that shows location of User/AI aircraft, airport runways, helipads, taxiway parking spots, and even aircraft-type with altitude and airspeed information.  The program can place static parked aircraft, and FSX ATC AI controlled aircraft at your local airport.  Aircraft can fly patterns around local airports or follow existing flight plans.  Formations of up to six aircraft can also be created to follow the user’s aircraft….”.

More info can be found here.

0 Responses

  1. After reading the product spec thoroughly, I can’t see why not, but this one may be best asked via the publishers’ own forum as staff there will be far more qualified to answer!

    Ian P.

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