IYP Leaves Competition In The Dust

iyp-logo-red-stencil-finalThere are quite a few programs around these days that use ‘voice’ and/or sound to support your flightsim experience. Some read out (some) checklists, others mimic a co-pilot and produce cockpit sounds, or even cabin sounds, some even accept your voice input. But in spite what they all claim, there is only one that is really interactive, offers almost everything that others offer, and then some…… ‘It’s Your Plane’ now has published a comparison sheet to try and make customers understand why it is so much more than any competitor and as Robert calls it:  ‘The best kept secret of the Internet’.

“…… Robert Cezar, the developer of It’s Your Plane (IYP), is constantly updating the programme and its capabilities – for example: the new and improved Pushback sequence, the voice-activated “Please help me” facility, the co-pilot’s automatically executed Back-Course approaches, etc.  We believe IYP surpasses similar programs offered by our three major competitors (Voice Buddy, Cockpit Chatter and FS2Crew) !
An exaggerated claim?  You decide!
We have posted an update of our Competitive Products Comparison Sheet, so why not check it out and let us know if you agree (or not) with our claim!  With Michelle or Mike in the right-hand seat, you’ll never again fly alone! …..”.

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