Day: October 23, 2009

EFB2004 Version 1.5 Adds GMap Support

Fermin Fernandez of FSWidgets reports that “…… FSWidgets EFB2004 (Electronic Flight Bag for FS2004) Version 1.5 has been brought up to the same standard as

CLS Also Building A 767-300

Albert Bouwman of CLS reports that “…… Commercial Level Simulations is extremely pleased to announce the development of the Boeing 767-200/300 product. The product will

FSWeekend Approaching At High Speed

Lets not forget the world’s biggest flight simulator show and meeting ! Only two weeks to go until we all meet again at the Dutch

Tocontin Airport From LatinVFR

Ricardo Morillo, the developer of this new scenery, writes “…. Tocontin Airport doesn’t need an introduction. You say the word “Tocontin” and immediately the image

Big Fat Simulations Games

Big Fat Simulations. Now isn’t that a weird name for a company? Fact is, the ‘simulations’ aren’t BIG at all. On the contrary, BFS produces

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