
iFly 737NG

At iFly, the Chinese development group, they’re working on a 737-600 Next Gen for FSX. Their forum revealed preview screenshots of the Virtual Cockpit and the panel.

0 Responses

  1. I think it is for FS2004 and not FSX. Check out the picture of the 2D panel, on the upper frame it says FS2004.

  2. Amazing! I never expected that there would be such a high-quality Chinese add-on. In case you don’t know much about Chinese, I can do some translation for you. It is said that this add-on will simulate the ice effect, together with some advanced failure mode, such as the malfunction of the flaps. And they are trying to develop something as good as DA products.

  3. NGs are grey in “the office” not brown…even at night

  4. Well, the topic in their forum is titled 737X… maybe their product name. That’s supposed to be at least for FSX, and FS2004 as well according to the screenshot as you mentioned.

  5. Hello
    It is for FS9 the X is just an abbreviation for 700-800-900
    the screenshots are even titled FS9 if you save them.
    The brown color is from the dome light, the 2D panel shot
    shows the correct gray

  6. It is said (from one of the developers) this baby is for both 9 and X.

  7. If this thing comes out for FS9 then I must say it’s right on time. After the snub by PMDG who originally stated the NGX was going to be for both platforms this is great news to say the least.

  8. “Project already dead. How can someone do better than PMDG?” you mean. I remember when PSS was said to be top-of-notch, then was not anymore, and finally closed. I wish the best to PMDG, but others could achieve better. And cheaper. For sure, the second item is easier !

  9. This looks like it has great potential and if the developer’s add keyboard programing and compatibility with cpflight and goflight mcp’s it will be perfect for 737NG sim and mini sim builders.

  10. “others could achieve cheaper”

    Do you have any idea how much time it takes to make one of these airplanes?

    Complex airplanes require incredible programming and modeling work.

    What PMDG offers is an incredible bargain…you could train off the MD11….

  11. @Colin,
    Rolls Royce cars are hand made, take a lot of time, are really expensive, AND could be cheaper. So does PMDG.
    The MD-11 is certainly a great add-on, but I won’t pay 80$ for it. This is one week’s market and I can’t have both. Why not a 120$ PMDG aircraft add-on for FS 11 then ?
    They can sell cheaper and still earn good money, my point.

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