
Aerosoft – Airbus X released

Patience has been rewarded : Aerosoft has just released Airbus X (A320 – A321) for download.

Focused on the work of the pilot, Aerosoft presents their new airliner product as fine FSX exterior and VC models with advanced lights effects, featuring accurate automatic systems, but aiming at the pilots looking for not so complicated simulations as some others can exist, with easy framerates. Run to simMarket to download yours.

0 Responses

  1. There are some things I don’t understand.

    Firstly if Aerosoft has a commitment as they stated when MS announced Flight, to those hardcore flight simulation enthusiast why would they make an aircraft that you can’t basically load in the CDU a simple and straight forward route with airways, SIDS and STARS? basically navigation in this product is as normal default FSX aircraft.

    Secondly, no 2D panel, makes no sense, I know its great to have virtual cockpit but come on this is something extremely simple to have, I know the interest in having as much eye candy, but those of us who have multiple screens, having 2D is the best.

    This is more towards those people that don’t take the hobby to the extreme.

    I will sit on this one and stick with PMDG and Level D (Boeings) for the time being (always waited for a great Airbus product)

  2. You can enter routes sids and stars etc…..
    All the waypoints will be updated by navigraph database!
    You just cant select and SID or STAR as they say is a too complex thing to programm with regard to rames per second and if they did the FSX flighplans wouldn work unless its a different format somehow!

    Just did a Flight on VATSIM and flew a SID as well as a Transition and airways!
    Either you build the route with something like FSC or type it in manually! Very easy ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I enjoy this bird, really although I’m also a kind of hardcore simmer!

  3. Well, actually a good 2D panel is the contrary of something extremely simple. PMDG explained that both the much lower price and cut down time of their J41 came from the fact that they didn’t do a 2D panel, which is very hard and time consuming to do. So here you go, the Aerosoft bus wouldn’t be out at all right now. Personnally, I’m not suprised or annoyed that they chose to go VC only, it’s not the first time they do that, but since they started this policy they’ve released the most beautiful VC (ie see the Catalina!). I never used the 2D, I’m fine with trackIR and good preset camera angles, so if it saves me money I’m all in. I understand 2D panels are preferred by others, but Aerosoft can’t please everyone.

  4. Don’t buy this addon. Just bought it and it is a very light modeled aircraft. They didn’t even fashion in a workable copilot’s side.รฏยปยฟ Its full of bugs. doesn’t even have an FMC that can program Sids. No runway entries, nothing. This thing is ridiculous. And don’t even ask about the elevator handling bugs. Asked for a refund and their response, too bad so sad. Time to wait for real software from PMDG the NGX I guess……….

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