Carenado F33A at simMarket

Carenado have released their F33A Bonanza for Fs2004 for sale through simMarket – as is usually the case, a few days after making it available via their own site. According to one developer, the reason is to ‘iron out any problems before general release’, to answer the question on the forums the other day about why this happens.

The package itself comes with four liveries plus a plain white aircraft, numerous animations that can be controlled using a 2d pop-up, a GNS430 GPS reproduction, all mounted around a model described as ‘polygon optimised’ for high FPS and with high quality sounds, recorded from a real aircraft. Full details and more screenshots can be found on the product page.

0 Responses

  1. Great aircraft. I hope it sells well so we can see other releases from Carenado (for FS9)…

  2. Well they have already announced that they are converting more, so hopefully you won’t have too long to wait.

    I would have thought that it would make sense for future releases to be built with an eye to all four platforms that they support (FS9, FSX, P3D, XP9+) having versions released within a short timeframe of each other, but we’ll see, I guess.

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