MyTraffic 2013 from Aerosoft

If you’re fed up of seeing the default fictional airlines and limited array of (user aircraft) GA traffic around the world of FSX, then the chances are you will at least have glanced past Burkhard Renk’s MyTraffic series, which offers by far the largest array of traffic and aircraft types of the packages currently available.

Aerosoft‘s published version of the latest MyTraffic version is MyTraffic 2013, which covers not only major and regional airlines, but also charter companies, numerous GA types, military traffic and the entire globe rather than just the “popular” bits of it.

Also included in the package are powerful editing tools which, while the majority of users will be happy with the base installation, allow those who wish to edit, amend and create new flight plans to fit within the schedules. Full details can be found here.

0 Responses

  1. Be aware that this MT2013 product is not compatible with FS2004 as is falsely advertised on both Aerosofts and SimMarkets store. They include a download link to the FS2004 product MyTraffic 4.1 saying that you get it free with the purchase. But MyTraffic 4.1 for FS2004 has been free to download for more that 12 months by anyone regardless of whether they have made a purchase or not, ANYONE can download this 4.1 product for free.

  2. I didn’t mention FS9 on this article because I think you are correct that the inclusion of it on the MT2013 advertising material is incorrect – I am asking about that and the text at simMarket will be exactly as provided by Aerosoft, indeed the wording of product pages on the two sites is usually identical.

    The text at the bottom of the simMarket page, however, saying:

    Additional downloads:

    Free download of MyTraffic 2006 for FS2004: >> Download << (320 MB)

    is pretty self explanatory to me… No purchase required to click on the link!

  3. It wasn’t the free software I had a big issue with even though that is still immoral in my opinion, it was the fact that it’s advertised as being compatible with FS2004. Glad to see that you are trying to rectify this misleading advertising.

  4. As I said before, the compatibility statements – not just at simMarket, but at any reseller site – are as stated by the developer/publisher. The staff at simMarket don’t know the compatibility of software they didn’t produce, so can only post what they are told by the developer/publisher.

    The error will have come from Aerosoft’s PR department, whether as an error at their end, or as an intentional inclusion.

    I have been told – and have just confirmed – that the references to FS9 compatibility have been removed from the simMarket page.

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