Search X-Plane Catalina updated

Users of‘s Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina ‘9767’ will be interested to know that the developers have produced an update for the package that includes not only bug fixes and minor updates, but also adds a simulated hydraulic system (which can be switched off if desired) and a co-pilot to help you handle the aircraft in flight.

The full list of additions and fixes can be found by clicking “Read More” below, while the aircraft itself can be obtained through simMarket, here.

New features :

Now, you have a copilot !

  • He manage RPM and mixture setting, depending of flight configuration and power setting
  • He manage cowl flap and carburetor heat system
  • He inform you of various systems status (Landing gear, water-tank, probe, etc…)

New 2D pop-up panels (Artwork by Khamsin Studio)

  • Switches panel
  • Check-list (Normal and Emergency)
  • Point of view

Hydraulic system now simulated

  • Engine hydraulic pump and emergency hydraulic pump feeding 2 accumulators
  • Various system impacted : probe, water jettison, gear actuating and brakes
  • Various failure (pump fail, leak, engine fail, …)
  • Easy mode with no hydraulic failure

Various stuff

  • Option settings are now saved at plane unloading (X-Plane quit or aircraft change)
  • Water rudder only effective below 30kts when easy mode selected
  • Visual alert can be disabled in Copilot setting menu
  • Alert now disappear after 3 seconds, even if problem is not solved
  • Master volume option to set volume of SASL driven sounds
  • Archive size reduced from 324Mo to 217Mo

Bug fix :

  • No more sound resonance while both engines are at same RPM
  • Right engine fuel consumption corrected in β€œAuto-lean” mode
  • Correct fuel tank settings when starting with engine running
  • Menu no more affected by ambient light level
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