Navigraph supports Majestic Q400


Navigraph announced they add a new addon to their long list of supported aircraft and software. They are now ready to update the “FMS Data for the newly released Majestic Software MJC8-Q400! Please visit the FMS Data download page at to download.”

Download without additional charge if you already have access to the current 1304 cycle; otherwise you can purchase this individual 1304 cycle or get a yearly FMS Data package.”

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  1. The Majestic Q400 uses the same database as Wilco and Feelthere aircraft, so you can use Navdata Pro from Aerosoft too if you wish, just copy the db file over from the FSX/Feelthere folder to where the Majestic Nav folder is. You will find a file there with exactly the same name, so it’s impossible to not find the correct location to put the file. I’ve done it and everything seems to work fine so far.

    Hint if Navdata Pro throws up an error when you try to install the Feelthere nav data because you have no suitable Wilco or Feelthere aircraft installed, just create an empty folder called “FeelThere” inside the main FSX folder where FSX.exe is located and it should install fine then.

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