R.I.P. Robert William (Bill) Dick

The community has been saddened today to hear of the passing at the age of 78 of Bill Dick – known to many simFlight forum regulars, as well as elsewhere in the FS world, as a major part of the development behind numerous bush flying sceneries, particularly set in the Pacific North West of the United States and the Alaskan Panhandle, as well as his involvement with the Emma Field Flying Club.

Bill passed away peacefully in his sleep with his family on 26th August 2013 at his home in North Saanich, British Columbia.

Over at the simFlight forums, GaryGB has posted an extensive tribute to Bill and his work within the FS community, which we would invite you to read. It can be found here. The condolences and thoughts of the entire simFlight staff are with Bill’s family and friends.

0 Responses

  1. Sad news, my condolences to his family and we are all in appreciation of his work in bettering our hobby.

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