
Euro Truck Simulator 2 patch 1.9


The next thousands of kilometers you’ll drive with Euro Truck Simulator 2 will see many differences in AI traffic.

The developers detail the content of the new upgrade v1.9, featuring a total new code for other cars and vehicles behaviour around your truck. The other improvements deal with other code enhancements, models and sounds.


0 Responses

  1. Truck Simulator has nothing to do with flight simulation and is kind of spam in my opinion πŸ™ if there will be more of this in the future, then I will not come back to simflight in the future

  2. simFlight has reported on other simulators, including trains, ships, cars, trucks and occasionally farms, for years, Samuel. Your opinions don’t necessarily match those of many other simmers, who do not limit themselves to a single specific area of simulation and consider all else ‘kind of spam’.

    While we’d be sorry to see you go, simFlight isn’t going to change our policies just because some of our readership only have interest in one subject, sorry.

  3. I agree with you that you will or cannot change your policy because of the opinion from one user. But I have to say that this type of non flight simulations bothered me since ever but I decided to speak out about it this specific time because now you start to publish even for an update/patch, urgh. But may be I am the only one thinking like that and it would be wrong to change your policy. But I think it would be worth to make a small poll to find out what others think. You have nothing to lose, just listen to your visitors. Whatever the outcome, I will shut up afterwards πŸ™‚

  4. I embrace the diversity at simFlight by publishing information on other simulation products. Additionally, simMarket has a vast array of software, hardware, etc. that is not flight simulation related. Bravo Zulu to simFlight for providing a “one stop shop” for simulation enthusiasts.

    1. Well, that’s only one more opinion. It would be really interesting to make a small poll on the website homepage to collect hundreds or maybe thousands opinion to have a more representative view of the visitors from Simflight. And maybe most people think like you, but it would be interesting to know and the effort to start a little poll is very slim.

      1. If we’re not planning on changing our policy, then there would be no point in a poll anyway. Should people feel strongly enough that they want us to stop reporting on anything but FS only then they can feel free to comment here, or on any other relevant article.

  5. I’ve been a hardcore FS user since the mid 90s, still I enjoy (a lot) being aware of other developments in the simulation area. I’ve tried truck sim and ship sim, occasionally I still use MS Train sim. I want simflight to post those news to inform me how those other simulation fields are progressing.

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