
Category: Add-on or Expansion Pack

Add-on or Expansion Pack

OnAir Airline Manager Beta with X-Plane Support

As promised, OnAir Airline Manager Beta is now supporting X-Plane. The public test phase is still open and free, to let you try the tycoon-like

Add-on or Expansion Pack

Aerosoft – OnAir Airline Manager

Developed in secret until now, Aerosoft reveals OnAir Airliner Manager : a complex project to let you run your own company in a persistent world

Add-on or Expansion Pack

L2S – Lubbock For Aerofly FS 2

Aerofly FS 2 is an appreciated simulator for its photoreal sceneries included in the base pack. L2S sells an add-on at simMarket for that simulator,

Add-on or Expansion Pack

FS2Crew – FSLabs Airbus Soon

FS2Crew announce that their edition for Flight Sim Labs Airbus will be ready for release in a few days. Both Button and Voice control versions will

Add-on or Expansion Pack

Photosceneries for X-Plane 11

Frank Daniese and Fabio Bellini are the two talented authors of these photorealistic and very detailed sceneries in the Alps. Eiger Park 3D is their

Add-on or Expansion Pack

American Truck Simulator : Utah DLC Preview

It’s not official yet, but the next map DLC for American Truck Simulator should be Utah US state. It will reproduce the variety of landscapes

Add-on or Expansion Pack

Just Flight – C152 coming for Aerofly FS2

Just Flight have two light aircraft projects for Aerofly FS 2 : the PA-28RT Arrow IV … and this Cessna 152. See their preview screenshots

Add-on or Expansion Pack

TFDi Design – PACX Official Trailer

In order to promote their PACX utility, to demonstrate how sounds their passengers and crew simulation, adding announcement, incidents, flights reviews, for P3D, FSX and

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