Tag: poll

FSDreamTeam next scenery poll

Until July 25th, the registered users of FSDreamTeam forum can select the next airport scenery that the developers team should do via this poll. After KIAH

FlightBeam next scenery poll

After KDEN Denver HD release, FlightBeam Studios has directly started to discuss with their customers about the next airport to model. The lead developer was already thinking

It’s a Fusion!

The poll has ended for Robert Graf‘s 2013 car in the DOM-GNL league of iRacing, carrying the insignia of both simFlight and simMarket as primary

Captain Sim 707 Poll

Captain Sim is working on their 707 family of airliners. they report that the “…… Upcoming 707 Captain family will deliver the 707-320B, 707-320ADV, 707-300C,

New Poll Up And Running

Some people only buy stuff when it has written ‘Made in the USA’,  ‘Made in EU’ or similar text on it, provided there is any

New Poll Posted

In the right hand column you can find our new poll; Do you use Facebook? Why are we curious? Because WE are using it and

Poll: Did MS Alienate Customers?

Since Microsoft abandoned Flight Simulator many people ‘declared’ they would no longer support the Redmond giant. FS was the only reason they were buying MS

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