Radar Contact V4.3 At No Charge
The good old Radar Contact V4 can be downloaded for free so you can have a realistic ATC software for P3D and FSX ! The
The good old Radar Contact V4 can be downloaded for free so you can have a realistic ATC software for P3D and FSX ! The
This picture will remain the same a long time when you launch Radar Contact. One year ago, the lead developer John Dekker announced that the
These are not good news, and due to “personal reasons”, John Dekker had to declare he has suspended his work on Radar Contact v5 development for
Some people believe no news mean good news. Other ones need to read exactly what they are looking for. The 757 project of Level-D is
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZY69wyyQlQ&feature=player_embedded Using multiple tools to flight simulators adds multiple layers of realism to your Flight Simulator. But if various of them bring voice recordings of
Robert Cezar writes that “…… There’s little doubt that John Dekker’s Radar Contact is the most technically reliable and realistic flight simulator ATC program on