Tag: voice control

X-Plane10 Passengers ready to board

  X Plane X Passengers, or XPX Passengers, is a new add-on for XP10 running on Windows OSs only, allowing you to experience new interaction

Multi Crew Experience updated

FS++ Limited have updated Multi Crew Experience, with the latest addition to the fleet supported by the voice control software being the Quality Wings Boeing

FS2Crew 747 Voice Control Edition soon

There have been a Voice Control Edition missing in FS2Crew collection, for the PMDG 747, but that will be available soon. “FS2Crew is pleased to

FS Flying School 2010 Voice Control

For FS Flying School 2010 users, FSInventions made a payware update 3.3 to include Voice Command. No only you’ll listen to your flight instructor, but

BEWARE: FS2Crew Does Voice Control!!!

This just in from FS2Crew… warning: contains strong words! 🙂  “The voice control add-on market is about to get a little bit more crowded! Bryan

Multi Crew Updated

Ian Reilly of the FS++ team informs us of the following: “……. We are pleased to inform the flight simulation community, that an updated version

It’s Your Plane Version 4.1 Released

It’s Your Plane announces “…… the release of IYP Version 4.1 — a complete rewrite designed to be able to more easily incorporate the many

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