Category: Aerosoft


Aerosoft Flight – Hello Flightsim Community

The new rebranded Youtube channel of Aerosoft. Introducing Rafi, the new face of Aerosoft Flight. The team at Aerosoft would like to take the community

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OnAir is Not What You Think

You can use OnAir Airline Manager as a career mode for flight simulator to tell you where to fly, however, OnAir is actually a full-blown


Flying Over Water is Boring, Right?

If there is a scenery for MSFS that we keep going back to is Aerosoft’s Offshore Landmarks: North Sea. This scenery will turn the North


Aerosoft – CRJ MSFS – Teaser

Aerosoft has postponed the release of the CRJ to Q1 2021 but did release this little teaser.


Lukla Mount Everest Extreme – Preview video

This completely new version of Lukla is shown shortly in this video. Aerosoft will be releasing this LimeSim creation as soon as it’s ready.

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Lukla – Mount Everest – Extreme

Aerosoft will publish LimeSim’s new Lukla airport for AeroFly FS2 (and P3D will follow) … the question is just when?. For the time being this

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