
Category: FSX

CaptainSim 757 Captain In German

For our German readers just a quick note: The Captain Sim ‘757 Captain’ product is now available in a German language version, and on simMarket


Review: Active Sky Advanced

Wilbur and Orville had an easy job of weather forecasting – a glimpse over the field and they could see all they needed to know.


CH Products Available From simMarket

Yes, you can buy these anywhere. But wouldn’t you love to buy them from your trusted and favorite on-line store? Well, now you can. SimMarket


Milano Malpensa From SimGiants

Sim Giants is moving off the Canary Islands and into Europe. The latest title is Malpensa Airport (in Italy, near Milan). “….. Malpensa Airport (IATA:


Traffic Sounds Extreme Edition

Hmmm… do you think superlative product names such as Super, Ultimate, Extreme and Final would have brought on the End of ACES ?? Who knows!

Parting Message On FSInsider

‘Someone’ wrote a last message on Micosoft’s FSInsider site, the web site dedicated to supporting FSX. The only positive thing in the message is that


Canary Islands Gold Edition

Sim Giants Ltd have now bundled their earlier titles into a ‘Gold Edition’, containing Tenerife Nord (GCXO), Fuerteventura (GCFV) and El Hierro Airport (GCHI). The


First Class Simulations Titles

First Class Simulations from the UK has released a number of products on simMarket. Among them UAV Predator, World War I Fighters, Early Years of


St. Louis Satellite Scenery From Newport

Newport has released yet another phototexture scenery title for FSX. “….. Photo Real St. Louis X is a framerate-friendly scenery that displays the beauty of


FeelThere’s Airbus Checklists

FeelThere has published two checklict programs for Wilco’s (FeelThere’s) airbus. The programs have a co-pilot read out the various checklists for the Airbus to you

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