
FS Vegetation For FS2004

Aero Files, the publisher from Iceland, has released ‘FS Vegetation FS2004’. The product “……. modifies the look of the FS 2004 default trees giving them a more lifelike color. The detail is sharpened to give you the best possible look for your FS 2004 trees. If you like your trees greener, or perhaps less green, there is one pack which will fit your needs….”. On simMarket today.

0 Responses

  1. Are you kidding me! 14.95 for a product that essentially changes the color of the default tree. SimMarket has the potential to sell higher-quality products, but it doesn’t, succumbing to selling to the bottom line, new/uneducated ‘flight simmers’ who have nothing but an inkling of what is necessary. There are plenty of–better, to boot–freeware products that do the same.

  2. …… SimMarket has the potential to sell higher-quality products…..

    Ah yes, I am sure smMarket’s customers are all eagerly awaiting your contributions. *grin*.

    What some people do NOT seem to understand is that 1) simMarket sells what authors ASK them to sell and 2) the law of economics still is about demand and availability. If people want to make such products, that’s up top them, if they find buyers for it, that’s up to those buyers. If people find BETTER products, good for them too (there are plenty of those in the simMarket shop with among over a 1000 products).

    Nobody forces YOU to buy anything, but who would we be to forbid anyone to take part in the free market economy ?? Or to report about it ???????

    Furthermore, simFlight is doing its very best to ‘educate’ those uneducated simmers (see our forums), and MS is doing its best to find MORE of them every day !! 🙂

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